Planning & Architecture
Preston Baker Planning & Architecture works with house-builders and other developers to deliver implementable planning permissions and well-designed schemes they can be proud of.
We also work with property owners, landowners, and agents to unlock the hidden value of their assets throughout the planning process, and at all design stages.

Our Planning services
We have a vast amount of experience and offer a full range of services:
- All types of Planning Applications (Outline, Full and Reserved Matters Consents)
- Variation of Conditions (S.73) and Discharge of Conditions
- Non-material amendments (S.96a)
- Planning Appraisals
- Listed Building Consents
- Pre-application enquiries
- Permitted Development Advice (e.g. Class Q, Class R)
- Householder Applications
- S106 Negotiations
Need help with planning?
Partnering with our experienced and professional team saves you time, so you can concentrate on your next opportunity.

Architecture & Design services
- Full Drawing Packs for Planning Applications
- Design and Access Statements
- Design Feasibilities
- Masterplanning
- Housetype Designs
- Listed Building/Conversion Proposals
- Internal layout advice