Average UK house price up £36,000
Annual price change for a property of +13.6% and a monthly price change of +0.9%
The latest Government figures on the UK housing market show an annual price change for a property of +13.6% and a monthly price change of +0.9%.
The House Price Index just released by the Government for August 2022 shows a 13.6% annual increase in UK house prices, as demand continues to exceed supply.
The figures show that the average price of a property in the UK as £295,903 in August.
Average UK house price up £36,000
Annual growth was down compared to August 2021’s stamp holiday changes, but the average UK house price has risen by £36,000 compared to last year. The regional breakdown of average house prices also showed an increase across the board.
England’s prices rose by 14.3% to £316,000, and Welsh house prices rose by 14.6% to £220,000. Scotland saw an increase of 9.7% to £195,000 and to £169,000 in Northern Ireland (9.6%).
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