Looking to build on your own land? Read our advice and speak to our Land & New Homes team to do things by the book.
Can You Build On Your Own Land?
Can You Build On Your Own Land?
The rules around building on your own land can be a little confusing sometimes - do I need special planning permission? What can I build? Is my agricultural land protected? The lines can easily get blurred, and you could be opening yourself up to trouble if you don't have the correct permissions. Our best piece of advice? Speak to an expert before you do anything.
There are a number of things to consider before you begin building on your own land, such as what you're planning on doing with it. In October 2016, the government brought new legislation into force which established a Right to Build your own home, which means councils must grant planning permission for plots where the demands and rules are met, and land-owners will be added to a Right to Build registers. This new legislation meant it was much easier for owners to use their land to build their own homes - however, the rules and regulations around using your own land to build a development remain complex.
If you're looking at building on your own land, keep yourself and your land in the clear by speaking to one of our Land & New Homes experts to ensure the legalities are covered - simply give us a call.