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Land Valuation

Land Valuation

Getting the most for your land requires not just planning permission, but planning in general. What is your exit strategy? Don't know? Then you need to speak to us.

Land Valuation

Ensuring you get an adequate value on your land is crucial at every stage of the process. The old adage of ‘a third of development value is land value’ just doesn’t apply anymore. With increasingly complex build cost appraisals, local policy such as Community Infrastructure Levy, Affordable Housing and site-specific issues like ground conditions impacting on the eventual value.

Land owners can often worry more about getting planning, without understanding if the uplift in value is enough given the investment put in once architects and planning consultants’ fees have been spent. Preston Baker work with landowners to help them navigate this tricky minefield of paperwork to find out the potential profits available.

Preston Baker can help ensure you are maximising the potential return. We work with landowners from the ground up, literally. We partner with you and your design team before planning is submitted to ensure any suggested scheme is maximising the gross development value of the plot, which has a knock-on effect on your residual land value.

Once planning is gained, a marketing report can be prepared which goes into significant detail to support a sale, funding appraisal or for personal reasons (such as probate).

Preston Baker’s years of experience mean our valuations can be relied upon to give you the true picture of what your site is worth.

Selling Land without an appropriate exit strategy in place is a recipe for you to be undersold and out of pocket.

Learn more about Preston Baker Land & New Homes

We have a number of handy guides to help you with your land development. For expert advice, get in touch.